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Pond Park Primary School, Lisburn

Apple RTC


We are delighted to continue in our role as an Apple Regional Training Centre for the 2024-25 academic year.


Apple Regional Training Centres deliver courses to build the skills and confidence of educators to use Apple technology inside and outside the classroom. They are a community who share best practices and inspire excellence through teaching with Apple technology.


Being selected as an Apple Regional Training Centre highlights our commitment to facilitating training for teachers to develop skills and build confidence to use Apple technology in the classroom. 


Apple Regional Training Centres create a community to share best practice and support teaching staff to attain Apple Teacher status, a professional learning programme designed to support and celebrate educators.


Teachers from across the region can attend courses to build their knowledge and skills using technology in the classroom and earn badges to achieve their Apple Teacher recognition.


Across the UK and Ireland, the goals of all Apple Regional Training Centres are to:


• facilitate training opportunities for teachers to develop skills using Apple technology in the classroom

• promote Apple in Education and share new products and innovations with educators

• build Apple Teacher across the region

• share best practices, build community and inspire excellence.



Apple Educational Resources

There is a fantastic network on Apple Regional Training Centres across Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom.  Visit the link to see details of courses, both in-person and virtual, and connect to RTC online resources.

The Apple Education Community, a professional learning hub designed for educators who use Apple technology. Find helpful resources for any skill level — from quick tutorials to inspirational ideas. And grow in this collaborative space as you connect with peers and experts for advice, shared stories, and more.

The Everyone Can Create resources make it quick and easy for educators to bring creativity into any lesson and foster creative expression in every student. See how creativity in learning can empower your students.

Everyone Can Code Early Learners is designed to help educators introduce coding in early years when learners are first developing computational thinking skills.


Showcase videos


Pupil examples