After School Clubs

Extra-curricular activities in the form of After-School Clubs are available to all pupils in Key Stage 2 (Primaries 5 – 7). Pupils apply to join on a multi-choice form. In the event that a club is over-subscribed, priority is given to Primary 7 pupils, then Primary 6 pupils and finally Primary 5 pupils. Every effort is made to enrol each child in one of the clubs of his/her choice.
The current range of clubs this year includes:
Girls’ Hockey
Boys’ Hockey
Boys’ Football
Art and Design
Arts and Crafts
Scripture Union
Girls’ Football
Choir (Junior/Senior)
Sign Language
NB: Boys’ and Girls’ Hockey, Netball, and Football Clubs represent school in competition and pupils are selected on merit based on a try-out system. There is also an audition process for Junior and Senior Choirs.
We also host a number of externally run after-school clubs in partnership with organisations including;
Activity NI
Chris Kingsberry Coaching
The Active Hour